The mini gathering we had last night for my pet brother’s birthday was fun. His name is actually Amir a.k.a Squirt. Even though he’s birthday was today, but we are all busy with our own thing today. So, we decided to meet up a day before instead.
There were nine of us and we hanged out at Chatters. I don’t remember where it is but it’s somewhere in USJ. I’ve not seen a few of them for quite some time and almost everyone changed, including me. We all look slightly different compared to when we were in school.
Anyway, since we arranged this gathering like a day before, we didn’t buy any cake for squirt. But, Atiqah baked mini muffins that spelled out “Happy Birthday 17”. It looks really cute. The flavor of the muffins is chocolate and it had a layer of chocolate above it.. WONDERFUL!! It was so DELICIOUS.
It’s too bad she and Aiza had to leave midway of the gathering. She had to go back to her work while Aiza’s curfew is around 10. We were at Chatters at 9 and left at 11.
But we still had fun nonetheless. It didn’t dampen our spirit. Ok, maybe it did a little. We spent the whole two hours catching up on each other’s life. Chut and I had a lot to catch up on. Considering, I’ve not seen her since prom and that was around two and a half weeks ago.
Also, we ate during our time there because it’s suppose to be a dinner gathering. And the surprising thing was when Hariz (another pet brother) ordered two plate of nasi pataya. Seriously, that guy is skinny and yet he eats so much. Where does all the fat go?
Besides that, Hallie decided to make a toast to Squirt. It was really funny because she did it at the end of the dinner and most of our cups were already empty. But she continued anyway and her speech took a rather long time to finish since she just finished rugby and her brain was a little blur. Also, we were all so noisy and kept butting in all the time throughout the speech, especially me. Hehe. Squirt fake cry at the end of her speech just to humour her since she keep telling him to don’t cry, no matter how touching it is.
When it was time to leave, we all hugged the birthday boy and each other and went our separate ways. (Sound so dramatic) But not really, because Chut and I tagged along Hallie’s car since she was the one to drove us there to begin with.
Last night was fun and I’m hoping the next gathering wouldn’t be too far away.
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6 years ago