Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lost and Found

This is my guilty yet adorable hamster that ran away yetersday, Nugget. She gave me the fright of my life when I realised that we did not close the balcony door at all and there was a possibility that she would be stupid enough to jump off, which was pretty far from the ground.

Thankfully, she was a smart one and instead opted to hide in the kitchen. She even went as far as pouring out her food supply that she usually stores in her cheek pocket, which indicated that she wanted to live there long term.

But the plan was foiled when I finally captured her, which was no easy feat as she was like a ninja, fast and swift. However, she was no match for me. Muahaha!!

She got a good scolding from my sister in the end while my sister was bathing her. Hillarious, I tell you. I mean, Nugget at first was struggling to get out. That is, until my sister scolded her. After that, she was obediently sitting on my sister's palm, letting her wash her and her ears was slightly lowered, like a puupy that got in trouble.

Ah, so adorable yet so naughty.