Today marks the start of the third week since my new semester started and I can say, I think I have a pretty good idea of how my lecturers/tutors are, even if I did miss my first week and only attended my second week since semester started.
Mind you, I did not skip the first week for entertainment purposes, unless you consider hovering over a toilet bowl and hurling the contents of your stomach out over and over as fun, then so be it. I had food poisoning, in case you’re wondering why I puke. So not fun but I lost 3 kg, which is something me, a girl, is glad about but the process (puking) to lose them is so not worth it.
Anyway, today’s classes were pretty boring and I just realised that I have no idea what is going on in my macroeconomics. I mean, it’s macro, so it should be the same like micro, right? Wrong. Macroeconomics is more complicated, weird and involves lots of memorising of formulas. And me no likey such things. I can guess that studying for it when exams comes around would be a pain but I think studying in general should be, so what the heck.
Other than that, my other tutor for my Introduction to Organisation and Management, the one that I presume would replace Mr Johan (My course’s program supervisor. He’s so funny!) whenever he's not around, is a monotone fella that can’t seem to stay still. I mean, he is very thorough, which is good, cause it’s good revision to what I’ve learnt in lectures.
But when you combine his voice and his constant walking around, it spells headache and dizziness for me. I’m the kind of person that prefers to look at the person when they’re speaking, so you can only imagine when I stared at him too long, my head started to hurt. But he’s ok, I guess, as long as I remember to not stare at him too long.
And another thing, when class ended today, it was pouring, which sucked since I was suppose to find my sister across the college from where I was. But in the end, I didn’t have to walk because Win Shen who drove to school today, offered Angela, Charmaine, Jessy and me a ride to where we wanted to go.
Ok, I admit, there might have been some asking (pestering) from our part. But he was cool and agreed, such a gentleman! So, he dropped Jessy and I at where we wanted to go first, which was within college grounds but very, very far from where we were. And after that, I presume he drove Angela and Charmaine home.
I guess you can say that my new semester is starting at a good point.